The Patriot Threat
by Steve Berry
The tenth book in Berry's Cotton
Malone series, this is another hit. As in all his Malone books, this one is
carefully researched, using real facts to base his ‘what if’ scenario on.
Cotton Malone is working as a
contract worker for the Magellan Billet on a routine assignment to track and observe
a payment being made. As anyone who has read Steve Berry knows, there is
nothing routine if Malone is involved! What starts out simple, quickly turns
complex as Malone encounters a couple of tax protesters on the run meeting with
deposed North Korean leader Kim Yong Jim. Kim is intent on wreaking havoc on
the U.S. to regain his country’s leadership. His weapon: proof that the 16th
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was never legally ratified. If this is true,
then all the Federal Taxes collected are illegal and the monies due back to the
people. Additionally, no new taxes could be collected until a new Amendment is
properly ratified bringing the U.S. economy to a screeching halt. Cotton Malone’s
mission becomes to stop this proof, if it exists, from falling into Kim’s
In Berry’s hands this ‘what if’ scenario is brilliant. His
ability to use actual historical facts to create terrifying scenarios is what
makes his books so believable. In the Patriot Threat he succeeds admirably.
Buy the book and buckle in for a terrifyingly plausible
thrill ride.