by Jonathan Kellerman
is the latest installment in Kellerman’s Alex Delaware series. It opens with
the murder of a young woman in her apartment. The aberration is that her table
has been set up post crime with a dinner for two. When another woman is
murdered and her table for two is set, the case moves into Dr. Delaware’s area
of expertise: motive.
novel is classic Kellerman. It’s a fast paced story that is a quick enjoyable
read. There are plenty of red herrings along the way. In fact, Kellerman is
known for this. He throws out red herrings like a crazed jester throwing beads
at a Mardi Gras parade. I know this. I expect this. Every time I read a
Kellerman novel, I have a conversation with myself. “You know he’s going to try
to lead you down the garden path, right? Yep. You’re not going to fall for all
those false clues, right? Nope.” Of course, I do fall for his misdirections and
slight of hand. I don’t know why I even bother.
fans of Kellermans, you will not be disappointed. If you’ve never read this
author, what are you waiting for?