Stillwater Rising by Steena Holmes
Holmes new book deals with the aftermath of a school
shooting. Fans of Jodi Picoult’s 19 Minutes might worry that Holmes book may be similar
and thus unworthy. Rest assured, this is a solid book that stands on its own.
Most of the book focuses on two women, friends, who react
differently to the shooting; the mayor, Charlotte Stone whose husband is the
school principal and Jennifer Crowne who lost a son in the violence. Charlotte
wants the town to heal, to move forward, and to understand that the shooter’s
mother is a victim also. Jennifer wants the school torn down and blames the
shooter’s mother for the violence. The schism this causes between these women
overflows to encompass everyone around them. It is Holmes ability to make these
women come alive that makes this a great book.
While the book does have a resolution, Holmes throws one
last curve ball on the last page, and it is masterful!
Due to be published November
11th, this is a book to buy as soon as it comes out.
I received an ARC from
the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.